I am a freelance
fullstack Web Developer
and UX/XI designer
From a tender age, I hated bugs. Any sight of them always left me squeamish.
Hence,whenever I saw them I always weeded them out and then later nature take its course.
As a result, this translated to be my life purpose;finding a solution to problems around me.
That is how I fell in love with coding. I am a fullstack Website developer
looking for opportunities to immerse myself in the tech industry. I am
also concerned about the user experience, something that has pushed me to learn UX/XI
designing.When I am not coding,I consider myself to be an artist since I do knit, crotchet,draw,
blog and sing in the shower. As a developer and UX/XI designer, I have a strong affinity
to learn and am always ready to utilize my creative capacity to bring to life amazing user experiences.
This is a website application for an insurance company.
Languages Used:HTML,CSS
View Project One
This is a website application for a JavaScript Questionnaire for students.
Languages Used:HTML,CSS
View Project Two
This is a website application for a Burger Sellling Company.
Languages Used:HTML,CSS
View Project Three
Email Address:chrissymwangi254@gmail.com
Phone Number:+254754526192